Highline College

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Winter quarter starts Jan. 6. Class enrollment is now open to all current and new students. View the class schedule and enroll today.

Reset Your Password

Home/Get Started/Reset Your Password
Reset Your Password 2021-06-15T20:21:18+00:00

Reset Your Password

You will need:

  1. Your CTClink ID number (get one from your teacher)
  2. A new strong 12 character password Example: SpringQ2021!

Let’s start:

  1. In your web browser address, type: myinfo.highline.edu
  2. password 1

  3. Click Forgot myHighline Username or Password
  4. password 2

  5. Type your CTCLink ID number (1). Click in the box “I’m not a robot” (2)and follow the prompts. Then, click “Next” (3) Type the answer to your security question and click Next
  6. password 3

  7. 4. Type the answer to your security question and click Next
  8. password 4

  9. Type your new password twice. Then click Next.
  10. password 4

  11. REMEMBER: You MAY NOT use a password that you’ve used at Highline before.
  12. password 5

You did it! You will get this message:

password 6

Write down your new password, or take a picture and keep it in a safe place.