Highline College

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Home/Get Started/Activate
Activate 2021-06-15T20:10:06+00:00


You will need:

  1. Your CTClink ID number (get one from your teacher)
  2. An activation code (get one from your teacher)
  3. A professional username.
    • Example: Your first name and your initial of your last name. If your first name is Rosa and your last name is Fernandez, then: a professional username is rosaf.
  4. A strong 12 character password
    • Example: SpringQ2021!

Let’s start:

  1. In your web browser address, type: myinfo.highline.edu
  2. type in browser

  3. Click Activate
  4. activate

  5. Type your CTCLink ID number (1), Activation Code (2), and Next (3).
  6. activate 3

  7. Type your username
  8. type in browser

  9. Type your password. Read and follow the rules (1). Type your password (2) and retype your password (3).
  10. type in browser

  11. OPTIONAL: add your email address and click Next
  12. type in browser

  13. Choose 2 security questions and answers
  14. type in browser

You did it! You will see your username and Highline email address:

type in browser
Write down your username and password, or take a picture and keep it in a safe place.