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Fall quarter starts Sept. 23. There is still time to enroll. View the class schedule and enroll today.

Prepare for class

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Prepare for class 2022-04-11T17:18:51+00:00

Prepare for class

Welcome to Highline College! You finished Step 1: Assessment.

Now, let’s do Step 2: Prepare for Class.


prepare for class graphic

prepare for class graphic

prepare for class graphic

Watch the video:

Complete these two parts:

Part 1: On this ELCAP website

Do as many of the steps 1-5 as you can here by yourself. Do your best! Don’t worry if you can’t finish everything.

Download or print the Highline calendar

Here’s our quarterly calendar at Highline College. Quarter means 0.25 or ¼. So, in a calendar year, there are four quarters. Each class is one quarter, or about 10-12 weeks during the year. Then we have a break.

Look at the calendar. Can you find today’s date? That is where we are now. It may be in the beginning, middle, or end of the quarter. Joining a class in the middle of the quarter is not a problem. Your teacher will help you.

Here are our different quarters with start and end dates:

  • Winter quarter is January 11-March 25, 2022
  • Spring quarter is April 5-June 16, 2022
  • Summer quarter is June 28-August 18, 2022
  • Fall quarter is September 27-December 15, 2022

Time management

Do you have time for school?

Did you know that for every 1 hour of school, you need up to 2 hours of time outside of class to study and do your homework? Yes, going to school is like having another job. Where in your schedule will you add study time for school?

Now that you understand the different quarters, start and end times, where you are in the quarter, AND how to manage your time, let’s Activate your Highline account.

Activate your Highline account

Are you a new student? You need a Highline username and password to check your Highline email and do Canvas activities. Here are the steps to activate your Highline account. Click on the video or read instructions. (If you are a returning student and you already know your password, you can skip this. If you need to reset your password, go to the Reset Instructions.

Please note: You will receive your “CTCLink ID number” and “Activation Code” in your email 
on Monday. Look for an email from ELCAPNSO@highline.edu on Monday. You will be able to finish this step after you get this information on Monday.

Reset your password

Read instructions

Forgot your password? OR your password expired?

You need to reset your password.
Reset your password

Read instructions

Do you have a temporary password?

Click instructions below if you have a temporary password

Read instructions

Learn Canvas

You will use Canvas to learn and do your homework. You can also find your grades and get feedback from your teacher.
Watch this video about Canvas. We will look at this again in our Zoom class together.

Learn about canvas

Read instructions

Learn Highline Email

To communicate with your teacher and get updates about your class, check your Highline email everyday. Many teachers will email you to your Highline email, NOT your personal email. Watch this video or read the directions on how to use Highline email. We will write an email from your Highline email account in our Zoom class together.
Learn about your Highline email

Read instructions

Activate your CTC link account

You need a CTC link account to identify yourself and get services at the college. Here are the steps to activate our CTC link account.
(NOTE: If you attended another college in Washington state, you may already have a CTC link account. So, you can skip this.)

Read instructions

Part 2: On Zoom and Canvas

Before you start your class, we will meet on Zoom to make sure you are ready. This part is required before you can begin your ESOL or GED classes.


  • Check your email from ELCAP NSO. You will get your CTC link number and activation code to activate your Highline account. You need to have your Highline username and password for this Zoom class.


If this is your first time with Zoom, watch this video and read the instructions to prepare for our Zoom class.

Learn Zoom

Read instructions (for Phone)
Read instructions (for Computer)

Click here to request for a laptop.
*Borrow means you can use a laptop from Highline College for a quarter. Then, you need to return it at the end of the quarter.

Check your email from Helpdesk if the laptop is ready. This might take a few days. Remember Highline has a limited amount of laptops for students to borrow.

If you have questions about laptops, contact the Helpdesk (206) 592-4357 or email helpdesk@highline.edu

Need help?

If you need extra help, contact ELCAP NSO at (206) 592-3297 or email elcapsno@highline.edu Please allow us 24-48 hours to get back to you.