Highline College

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I-BEST 2023-11-17T17:23:22+00:00


What is I-BEST?

I-BEST classes have two teachers in the classroom: one teacher to focus on the job-training content and one to focus on academic skills. Highline offers classes that integrate instruction in reading, writing, speaking, listening, technology and academic skills while learning the content of the I-BEST program.

Highline offers I-BEST courses in the following areas:

I-BEST classes are tuition-bearing classes. There is financial support available. Contact abeofficestaff@highline.edu or (206) 592-4439 for more information.

Who the program is for?

  • Classes are for immigrants, refugees, permanent residents, and U.S. citizens who are at least 18 years old.
  • I-BEST programs have different entry-level requirements. Some programs accept students who have finished ESOL Level 2, and some programs require completion of Level 3 or higher. All GED levels are eligible. Ask your ESOL or GED teacher for more information, or contact abeofficestaff@highline.edu or (206)-592-4439.

How to get started?

If you are a student now, tell your teacher you’re interested in I-BEST.

If you are a new student, complete the new student orientation.
(Students who have been out of our program for more than 6 months, or students new to Washington state, are considered new students.)

Connect with us

Contact: Deborah Tugaga, Program Manager, Transition Success Center (TSC)

Email: dtugaga@highline.edu

Phone: (206)592-4439

For current students who are interested in I-BEST, talk to your current ESOL and GED instructor.

Para las clases de inglés como segundo idioma o información sobre Highline College marque (206)592-4439

If you have a disability that requires special accommodations, contact Access Services after your assessment appointment either in person at building 99 or by phone at (206)592-4439.